Back when I was still teaching the youth (K-4), I would always give them a lesson on stretching and making sure certain areas of the body were supple and flexible.
The way that I would do this visually is I would put myself into a posture if certain areas got tight and then I would try to walk around.
Picture an older person with no hip mobility and a round upper back and you get the idea.
Well, in fitness, there is something known as Upper and Lower Cross syndrome, developed by a Dr. Vladimir Janda.
But, fear not, this can be reversed and prevented if you follow the advice below.
To keep it simple, the muscles on the front of your body are going to get short and tight.
Think of your pectoral muscles, biceps muscles and hip flexor (right on the front of the hips) muscles getting tight.
And on the back side, those muscles get weak and smaller as we age.
We want to mainly focus on the upper back and glute musculature.
To keep it even simpler, if one were to work on balancing with assistance and doing some daily couch squats or glute bridges along with stretching of the hips, coupled with a few times (at least) walking and you might as well be Benjamin Button.
The worst thing that we can have our seniors do for health is to immobilize them and plop them in a chair in front of a tv for hours on end.
There is a time for leisure and a time for activity.
Remember, you are only as young as your joints and your brain health.
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